+44(0)1786 643 939
Unit D, 15 Whitehouse Road,
Springkerse Industrial Estate,
Stirling, FK7 7SP, UK
Springkerse Industrial Estate,
Stirling, FK7 7SP, UK
© 2024 Quick Block Limited SC450465
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Woodland Renewables LTD contacted the team at QUICKBLOCK to provide two shelters on their land for visitors to come and look at the local wildlife and fauna whilst visiting the estate. Located in a remote area on the west coast of Scotland, where they experience harsh weather conditions including high winds and heavy rainfall makes it difficult to get materials to site.
QUICKBLOCK provided two shelters for Woodlands Renewables. One was a permanent wildlife shelter and the other was a transportable mobile shelter for their employees. QUICKBLOCK was the ideal solution for this project due to its transportability benefits. The blocks are stored flat-packed meaning that they’re easier to transport to hard to reach areas like this, making it more convenient than conventional building materials. Another benefit Woodland Renewables discovered was that they were able to place their mobile shelter on a flatbed trailer and take to various locations throughout the site meaning they didn’t require more than one.
The shelters have been used by the business for almost 2 years and they couldn’t have wished for a better product.
+44(0)1786 643 939
© 2024 Quick Block Limited SC450465
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