
2024 . . . what a year for QUICKBLOCK!

2024 has been a fantastic year for QUICKBLOCK and here are just a few of our highlights. A great start 2024 started brilliantly at QUICKBLOCK HQ as we secured a pivotal £1.3 million investment in January. This funding round set us on a path to grow the team and advance our research and development efforts […]

How to Design Your Dream Outdoor Oasis with QUICKBLOCK Furniture

Are you dreaming of a beautiful and functional outdoor space where you can relax, entertain, and enjoy the fresh air? Whether you have a spacious backyard or a tiny balcony, designing your dream outdoor oasis can be a fun and rewarding project. But where do you start? That’s where QUICKBLOCK furniture comes in. With our […]

It’s time to get back outdoors in Prep For Spring Gardens

The birds are beginning to get more vocal, the nights are finally getting lighter. It’s time to take our cues from nature to think about preparing the garden for Spring/Summer. springing to life Whilst gardens and allotments were looking lifeless and bleak over the early months of the year, things are now springing to life […]

A QUICK guide to Christmas market stalls

‘Tis the season and we’re getting rather excited for the upcoming festivities here at QUICKBLOCK HQ. There’s nothing more festive than popping along to Christmassy pop-up events or a Christmas market, filling your face with mulled wine or something smothered in sugar and stocking up on unique Christmas presents for your loved ones.

Our good practice tips for Avian Influenza

One of the biggest fears of working with poultry is the threat of avian flu. Detection of the infection in your animal pens can cause widespread mortality and will trigger a mass cull followed by strict cleaning and disinfection processes.

Well-sheltered animal pens this Winter

If you work outdoors or in the agricultural sectors, you’ll already be feeling the slightly colder weather of the Autumnal seasons kicking in and before you know it, Winter will have arrived. Here at QUICKBLOCK, we understand the importance of keeping your live stock well protected from the elements so we’ve put together some our top tips for animal pens heading into colder climes.

Pop-up events inspiration from QUICKBLOCK

Pop-up events planning is a serious business, not least because of the growing trend but they’re also suitable for businesses of all sizes and budgets. The very nature of them being temporary offers huge ROI opportunities for both small businesses and larger companies with deeper pockets.

Stay dry in a wildlife hide this Winter

wildlife hide

Living in the UK can mean several challenges when you’re a keen wildlife spotter. One of which is the Great British weather. You can always rely on it to perform exactly the opposite to what’s been forecast! From unexpected showers to bursts of lovely warm sunshine, it’s important to dress appropriately and prepare for every eventuality when you’re out in the countryside.

Outdoor planters for Recycle Week 2022

Recycle Week is almost upon us, which is Recycle Now’s flagship annual event celebrating recycling across the nation. The campaign was created to encourage the public to recycle more of the right things, more often which is supported by the government, media, large retailers and brands and waste management companies.

Why is sustainable construction important for climate change?

The construction industry is a large user of our planet’s natural resources and with more focus on the growing concerns of our climate emergency, construction companies are being asked to reduce their impact by opting for more sustainable construction solutions.